Hi Cristian, that you for your good words. Since the greenhouse automation project that we did 5 years ago, we have moved to a relatively large commercial farm, using many of the ideas acquired in that project. We now produce our own fertilizer and we have our own method of growing that allows us to seed out of season crops.
To your question on automate greenhouse for providing essential food for a small family, here are few thoughts:
— will depend on condition of your home area, mainly soil temperature and water, then sunlight. These days we can also do artificial lighting.
— will depend on what seeds you use and what fertilizer you have at your desposal. We realized home organic waste, egg shells and banana peels make for a good compost, but need to use something to kill insect eggs.
— way to irrigate might be something that you will want to look into that is more suitable for your area. In our parts flood irrigation is togo method. So we used that. Drip could be good.
Overall it is possibl. A bit of planning and crop calendar needs to be developed that will help you grow more effeciently.